If your dog loves to sniff, then you should consider K9 Nose Work! Founded by K9 Detection Trainers in 2006, K9 Nose Work® was originally developed as a tool for shelters to help build confidence in shelter dogs to help them get adopted.

This "find it" game was so successful in shelter dogs, the founders decided to develop a sport for pet dogs…and the National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW) was born.

Since 2008, NACSW has grown both nationally and internationally providing dog lovers with nose work classes, competitions, workshops, seminars, webinars, and education in this popular dog sport. As the leader in their field, NACSW training has evolved over the years so we know what works and what doesn't!

Photo credit: Bart Pierce, Precession Photography

K9 Nose Work® is a dog sport that any dog can enjoy and will build on the special relationship you already have with your dog. We start by building the dog's motivation and hunt drive by hiding yummy treats in boxes. The game expands to include searching interior rooms, exterior areas and vehicles using treats and eventually target odors. The benefits of Nose Work for your dog include mental stimulation and confidence building in addition to just having fun!

Photo credit:Terri Spaeth-Merrick

Whether you want to compete or just want the enriching experience of playing this game with your dog, come discover Nose Work! Your dog will love you for it!